Unless you have a massive record label tailing you and are able to afford a PRP to head up your media relations, then I suggest you read this because “we”, PRPs don’t come cheap.
Self-promoting or marketing your own music is an important skill not everybody possesses, but luckily for you, I have a few tips to help you get started. PR is an on-going process that won’thappen overnight but it will be worth it.
IDENTIFY YOUR GOALS- Have a clear mind on what you want to promote and why, it can be a concert, a tour or your latest single. Just do one thing at a time or else you will be biting off more than you can chew.
TARGET THE RIGHT AUDIENCE- Emphasis on the word RIGHT. There is nothing more boring and embarrassing than performing to an audience that doesn’t find your music entertaining and fun because it’s not their style. That is just a NO NO! Don’t perform for a random audience because your desperate to get yourself out there, it will be of no use.
MAKE STATEMENT- Try to stand out amongst other musicians, be appetising. Do not bore people because the sad truth is that there are other good music hopefuls who might be better than you.
BE ENTICING- Truth be told, we all love freebies. So use the old fashioned way to get what you want, BRIBE, but do it in a subtle manner! It’s unethical but it will do the trick. Give free tickets to your show or give free drink passes to all industry personnel who come to check you out on your show.
BRANDING- Do what you need to do to get your name out there, just as long as it’s legal. Have stickers or badges made, have t-shirts printed, everything and anything that has your brand on it.
DO NOT LOOSE YOUR CONTACTS- Plain and simple, keep in regular contact with your contacts in the industry, you NEED these people.