Friday, 10 August 2012

I am W.O.M.A.N

I am Wonderful, Obedient, Magnificent, Able, Nurturing. I am W.O.M.A.N!

In the olden days it was instilled in a girl’s mind that a woman’s job is within the household. Her job is to stay at home, give birth, look after the children, cook and clean because it is within her nature to multitask, she is simply a woman.

Times have changed and roles have shifted. Women hold high-power careers while some men stay at home and do what is known to be “a woman’s job”.

For some women, sitting behind the computer and constructing a Public Relations Plan rather than slaving away behind the stove cooking has become a norm. But they stand to be criticised by older "wiser" women who believe that if you can’t cook then you will not make a “good wife”.

Will a man always be expected to know how to fix the light bulb, fix leaking pipes and change the tyre? Does this make him a "real man"?

This is the 21st century, and there is no rule that says a female cannot handle both roles, even though some men might regard her as unattractive for taking on the masculine role, but if she feels she can do it and  do it better than a man then I see nothing wrong with it. After all she is  simply a WOMAN, she is SUPER W.O.M.A.N

A debate then arises. Will gender roles always be the way of life?


  1. I t will still take time for women to be considered as powerful as man because of this perception we have that a male is the leader he calls the shots then females follows.

    1. Lucky I think we as women have already made our mark and there is no reason for us to prove ourselves anymore. Yes a man is the head of the house and we cant runaway from that reality but the man must not misuse his power.

  2. @Luckey well women are considered as poweful today, even the government is encouraging the nation to put women in power. Just look at our cabinet is made up of women- i think they getting there.

  3. Women are taking over and its time that men accepted .

  4. indeed we need more super heros out there to balance the eqation of the genders. giving the young ones options to role models as we all have differnt view to what is a super woman

  5. Of couse we're living in the new world although some roles for women will remain many men who can become the house-keeper while their women are at work?.absolutely few,so we cannot jst on all task we do,bt we can,however,change few things of known roles such as allowing them to go out there and gt educated not jst to take over their given role bt to let them develop themselves

  6. its a good think women are recognised in SA not only in SA but all around the world as before women where brushed aside now women can do what man can do and in some case they can do it musch better than some men

  7. Lorraine women should be independent not arrogant because our women have shifted from being what our mothers stood for and not to say am complaining but the truth is a way to a mens heart is through his stomach.

  8. This is the 21st century indeed, no man can boss around a woman anymore. women can do what ever that men are capable of doing and visa vesa, so i think we all equal and no one is suppose to think they are still trapped in the olden myths and rules.

  9. Yes I agree this is the 21st century, things have changed and we women we must be the leaders of the upcoming generation. We must never consider taking a second place in life and in our careers too
